الاثنين، 19 ديسمبر 2011

You tried to kill. You've misplaced your loyalty, Senator, you've sold out America. Patriotism does not ....

إن الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي يوم دير الجماجم نزل على ركبته ..
    ... قاتل على ركبته ..
     .. رآه من قالت كتب التاريخ إنهم متخاذلون،
، فقاتلوا حتى انتصروا نصرا على جنودِ من قالت كتب التاريخ إنهم جند عبد الرحمن.

Gabriel: You tried to kill me. You've misplaced your loyalty, Senator, you've sold out America. Patriotism does not have a four-year shelf-life, but unfortunately politicians do. [Gabriel pulls out a gun]

Senator Reisman: Now what are you gonna do with that?
Gabriel: Thomas Jefferson once shot a man on the White House lawn for treason.
Senator Reisman: Now hold the phone, Thomas Jefferson... (Gabriel shoots the Senator).

(Thinks he is doing fine)

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