الأربعاء، 17 يونيو 2015

To hold up for Forty days, or standing for more to come

To hold up for Forty days, or standing for more to come
The awaited month is on
For Water is Dying
For Electricity is expected to Die too
for an hour .. for Two .. for Six
Water is to be evaporated
Water & Electricity are to a previous Ages
Water & Electricity are to a Deserted Places
Water Logically is to be a semi-puzzle;
For a Two Kms away the Biggest Sea on Earth
Electricity sarcastically is to be a riddle;
For a lot of Movement
(two big seas + a running River (one of the notables) + Energy.. Plenty of it.)

Heat, the definition related to temperature, no-thing else
Over the Head
Sugar is to ....
Brain, Basic Thinking, The Smoothness in the moving ((Sugar))
16 hours
How about creative Thinking

Transportation is not helping too much
Water, again, is one or two Baby fingers thick
And for the Millionth time

the phrase / fb status 'waiting' becomes the waiting

ultimately, this is not gonnna hurt;
Hannibal to cut his hand /above or below the wrist, Clarice/
seen it Million times before
and every time no-thing looks out of hand
- H. many years is it now
- a've lost the count after three
- a've lost the count after 1000 days
- ....
- mumble
- ....
- Silence
- Granted
- ....
- what is not granted is maintaining
For an unexpected currents and ex-currents taking place
on ma Diaries, schedules,


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