الثلاثاء، 5 يوليو 2016

some rouge

And this is the positioned routine set in the cell for the past 720
0000 - 0200 0/1
0200 - 0336 0/1
0336 - 0430 0/1 1 likely
0430 - 0830 1
0830 - 0930 1 likely
0930 - 1120 1 likely
1120 - 1230 0/1
1230 - 1300 0/1 0 likely
1300 - 1750 0 -0 more
1750 - 1907 0/1 1 likely
1907 - 1921 1 except 4 the last 7 it gone 0
1921 - 2123 0
2123 - 2230 0/1
2230 - 2400 0/1

هذا ليس للفخر
ولكن هذا من أجل الذكر
In the mind Hannibal when his 'cell looked bigger w/ no books in it' ,, William words ..
more in mind Hannibal's reply;
- does it
haven't notice
and in mind graham's:
- oh you will
But the Last line, Hannibal's Line said:
i have other resources
And In the memory, for good, قصيدة عبيد بن الأبرص
التي أولها أقفر