الأربعاء، 28 مارس 2012

.. mirrors. A Clarice was talking to Hannibal event

A Clarice was talking to Hannibal event when she said to him: You see a lot, Doctor. But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it? Why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see

-     Clarice if you could see through using two mirrors your head .. you will do
-     Clarice if you could see, using two mirrors, your head .. you will do
-     Clarice if you could, using two mirrors, see your head .. you will do

الأحد، 25 مارس 2012

من الكميات المتساوية .. #2

من الكميات المتساوية في المؤلفة للأدب - نوعا منه خاصْ -؛ غازي القصيبي ويوسف زيدان.

واتفق - قدرا - أن يكون لهما جنية وعزازيلْ.

الخميس، 22 مارس 2012

Howdy ..

- Howdy ..

- REcosidering Thinking My Life events .. not my already handled ones, but my so to come variables, which is not in the hands of mine .. but in the hands of variables People .. Which their body chemistry controls thier rational, moods, degree of Kindness and the needs – the so far and the closer ones - .. Ordinary People and the majority of it .. I say ..

-         .. حتى إنك تستطيع أن تقرأ قول الحق ::

And, of course, there is amount, If I may say amount, of Chemistry allowed ..

- And there is the Preconstructed thoughts you have in mind about dealing with this small details in Life .. you, by time, change the style or the words of the dealing ,, only

- So, you use a high ranked People evaluation values in your method system, but less common. And I can see the usability of wording the meanings .. which is rather telling or advancing the talk or announcing or mentioning ..

- You don't have a q or informative lang or teaching

- Yes

السبت، 17 مارس 2012

تلخلع القلب

تلخلع القلب

الأحد، 4 مارس 2012

Story #6

هو صالح .. هو يريد الخالق

Story #5

Every human ..../perfect admire him .. Because his always (perfectright  ..        

Story #4

His Satisfaction from being always right ..         

Story #3

He is satisfied .. Because He is always right ..          

السبت، 3 مارس 2012

Story #2

His Incorruptibility ..          

الخميس، 1 مارس 2012

Story #1

His Methods ..